Please allow 3-7 business days for all order processing! Thanks 😊

Disclaimer( Please Read)

As a friendly reminder some products are made with 100% organic oils including almond oil. If you have an allergy to nuts or coconuts please do not use. Please read ingredient list before purchasing any item.

If a rash develops while using any of our products please refrain from using. LipGlazes are flavored with food grade oils but DO NOT EAT. 

Most but not all our products are made with 100% Certified organic Coconut, Almond, Vitamin C and Grapeseed oils. If you have a allergy to any of those products please no not use.

Pick up option at checkout: Please DO NOT use the “Pick Up” option at checkout unless you can pick your order up within 5days of purchase. I will send a message that your order is ready at that point you have 7 days to pick it up. Failure to do so after reminders will place your items back in inventory with no option of a REFUND. 

Use the shipping option if you know you can’t pick up your order within 7 days. 

Thank you 😊